Frank Wilde

Frank Wilde

Multi-Functional Capabilities Team Advisor to the Director at the US Army

US Army
Frank Wilde, Multi-Functional Capabilities Team Advisor to the Director provides insight into its views of operational excellence.

Dedication to a lifetime of service is a common trait among military personnel, which is perhaps one of the driving factors of Frank Wilde’s career and an influence for his current position as the Multi-Functional Capabilities Team Advisor to the Director at the US Army. 

Having shifted over to the military once again after his stint in the private sector, Wilde is equipped with the knowledge and expertise to support the organisation in its transition.

But, before we can talk about his time in the private sector, it’s important we paint a picture of his career prior as Wilde spent almost nine years with the US Navy, reaching Lieutenant rank and serving as an intelligence officer both in active duty as well as reserve. Before leaving the Navy, he became the Co-Founder and CTO of Blue Sky Loyalty, which was responsible for developing the Dell Rewards Program. 

Moving forward in Wilde’s career, we begin to see where his client focus takes shape. When working with Apple, he was responsible for developing its approach to consumer and enterprise sales across a number of partners, leading a team of analysts to manage a multi-million dollar budget. 

As a man who is capable of climbing the ranks, Wilde was soon appointed as the Senior Director of UX Strategy at SAP, and later its Vice President for its Global Center of Excellence. This is where much of his time was spent in UX design, leading projects involving AI and machine learning, edge solutions, and the implementation of 5G. 

“There’s very much a common thread throughout my career and the work is very much focused around driving enterprise transformation,” says Wilde. 

“We help a customer look at ways to shape and influence both how they operate internally; the go-to-market strategy and customer experience they want to drive forward. I’ve done a mix of both public and private sector work throughout my career.” 

Much of Wilde’s work revolved around digitalisation and encouraging customers and partners to take a look at their processes and understand just how to reduce the impact of their businesses and driving new efficiencies via digital means. 

“This means being able to help automate health and human services, supporting the Department of Motor Vehicles to think differently about how it operates. In California, we were able to remove paper from their processes and give the same staff the ability to work with four times as many recipients in a given year without increasing workload,” Wilde says. 

A military man at heart, much of what he is doing today will have a profound effect on his peers and future generations of US Army Soldiers and Civilians as he oversees a significant evolution in US Army operations. From Soldiers to Civilian members of the US Army, his position is now advising the organisation so that its teams can focus on the task at hand—protecting the country and providing nationwide and global support during times of war and imminent crisis. 

Read the full story HERE.

US Army
US Army


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