Yury Gomez

Yury Gomez

Global Chief Commercial Leader of Process Industries for Microsoft

Yury Gomez, Global Chief Commercial Leader of Process Industries for Microsoft, on why people are at the heart of all she does

Yury Gomez is Global Chief Commercial Leader, Process Industries, for Microsoft. She started as a Global Executive Director for Pharmaceutical Manufacturing and Supply Chain Digital Transformation, and had the opportunity to work on transformations during COVID-19, when “customers looked to technology companies to help them to overcome those challenges”. 

She adds: “Now I lead digital transformation for all process industries, including the chemicals industry, steel, pulp and paper, specialty chemicals, and pharmaceuticals, and CPG.”

Although most people know Microsoft as the company that created Windows, Gomez says that, over the past three years, “it has been doing a phenomenal job impacting industry digital transformation”. 

“With the advance of cloud computing and technology we've had the opportunity to impact how industries think about their digital transformation journey. At Microsoft, we are organised by industries. In manufacturing there are two main kinds of companies: Discrete and Process. For Discrete, you can think of aerospace, for example, but there is also process manufacturing, like chemical companies.

“With the advance of cloud computing and technology, we've had the opportunity to impact how industries think about their digital transformation journey,” she adds. 

“My role is to elevate their journey by helping them envision how digital transformation can help them to accelerate efficiency, increase return on investment, and transform the way they work.” 

She works with executives at C-Suite level, to better understand their business problems, how they are organised, and their operational models. She then shares with customers what Microsoft is doing in the broader world of other industries and customers so that customers can get perspective on where to get started. 

Gomez continues: “Then I go deeper into how Microsoft – with our cloud computing technology, our business applications, and infrastructure – can help them transform.” 

As such, she explains that she always starts with people at the centre of client conversations, because “people are the lifeblood of how companies manufacture, operate and deliver products”.

“We take a holistic approach to operating processes and also how people do their jobs. 

We help transform everything – people, processes, data, and systems – so that these converge into a new journey that will transform how companies can do more with less, and in a more-advanced way.”

Read the full story HERE.

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