Top 10: Supply chain & logistics colleges in North America

We look at the top 10 supply chain and logistics graduate & undergraduate courses, featuring universities of Arkansas, Tennessee and South Carolina

Top supply chain universities, North America: Arkansas

The University of Arkansas's Department of Supply Chain Management offers an undergraduate Supply Chain Management major that leads to a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration.  

The course prepares students for careers in carrier management, logistics management, in retail, or in companies that manufacture, sell, and distribute consumer goods. An area of deep focus is business process integration, where students learn to apply analytical techniques in managing production and manufacturing processes.  

Top supply chain universities, North America: Tennessee

A hub for supply chain management thought leadership and talent development, the University of Tennessee is home to the Global Supply Chain Institute, which is a global network of supply chain professionals, corporate partners, students and academics. Academically, it offers a Master Of Science In Supply Chain Management Online, as well as an Executive MBA in Global Supply Chain, which is designed to help students become an executive-level leader in one year “and add immediate value to your organisation as you gain a traditional business foundation in accounting, finance, marketing and leadership”.

Top supply chain universities, North America: South Carolina

The Operations and Supply Chain program at the University of South Carolina's Darla Moore School of Business pairs “a robust classroom environment and real-world, experiential learning”, to provide students with the skills to analyse data and improve business processes.

It offers training on supply chain and operations management, an exam set by Sonoco - a US$4bn global manufacturing company based nearby - as well as project-based work at one of many partner firms.

Top supply chain universities, North America: Auburn 

Auburn University offers a Major in Supply Chain Management, allowing students to explore supply chain activities such as product development, sourcing, production, and logistics, as well as insight on supply chain management. There is also a Minor option in Supply Chain Management, which teaches the basics of supply chain operations.

Top supply chain universities, North America: Rutgers 

Rutgers University offers both undergraduate and graduate degrees in Supply Chain Mangement. Areas covered include procurement and global sourcing, logistics optimisation, distribution and pricing strategies, product and supply chain innovation. It also covers labour regulations and contract management, and the following aspects of supply chain: legal, risk analysis, security, finance, analytics, and technologies.

Top supply chain universities, North America: North Texas 

University of North Texas offers a Major in Operations and Supply Chain Management, which encompasses “all of the activities involved in getting a product to the consumer”. Careers that graduates might target include: Inventory planning, manufacturing, materials handling, purchasing & sourcing, transportation management, and warehouse operations.

It also offers professional certification in transportation, logistics and distribution from the American Society of Transportation and Logistics.

Top supply chain universities, North America: Northeastern

Northeastern University runs a series of Masters degrees in Operations and Supply Chain Management. The top-level course is a full-time MBA, in which students “build the tech-focused business expertise employers want”. The course includes a corporate residency. A university spokesperson says of the benefits of its offerings: “Digital technology has transformed the world of supply chain management and the demand for leaders with up-to-the-minute skills is growing rapidly.”

Top supply chain universities, North America: Texas

University of Texas' Major in Supply Chain Management is designed to prepare students to become leaders in this area. The course uses IT “to integrate all elements of supply chain - from sourcing to co-ordination of retailers - a competitive advantage that is not available in traditional logistics systems”. The college says the course will prepare graduates for careers as a buyer, materials manager, risk management analyst, logistics planner, and staff consultant. 

Top supply chain universities, North America: Houston 

The University of Houston's BSc in Supply Chain and Logistics Technology focuses on “the efficient management of materials and services into finished products, and to delivery at the point of consumption”. 

The college says the course is helping “train tomorrow’s workforce for critical 21st century jobs, as intelligent infrastructure and smart cities become crucial for economic prosperity, national security, and a sustainable planet”.

Top supply chain universities, North America: Pennsylvania State 

Pennsylvania State University's Smeal College of Business Supply Chain and Information Systems offers Supply Chain and Information Systems degree programs to students at all levels, through undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral-level degrees. Supply chain students are “groomed for internships, co-ops, and full-time employment”. It also hosts a career fair for students interested in the supply chain field.


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