Darwish Adi

Darwish Adi

Vice President IT of Fracht US

Fracht USA
Darwish Adi if VP of IT at freight forwarding company Fracht US, and describes how working with his team inspires him

Tell us about your career

I started my career 30 years ago, writing programmes for a local warehouse company. People were impressed with my work and asked for more. This allowed me to migrate from the warehousing side to the transportation and logistics side. 

Over the years I've been introduced to many sides of the business in order to support various integrations, and this led to more leadership roles within the technology space – always for the logistics industry. So although I am a technologist, my entire career has been in logistics.

The most challenging aspect to your role?

Ever-changing regulations in our industry. You're shipping between the US and Europe, or US and Asia, and navigating all the regulations and staying on top of all that is the challenge.

Proudest professional achievement

In my current role, it’s the creation of Fracht Connect, our platform that we developed to tie our organisations around the world into a cohesive network of professional applications and systems. 

It supports the onboarding of larger, more international, companies that expect you to interact with them the same way, whether you are in the US, Kenya or Singapore. 

Through Fracht Connect we can give our customers visibility and information about their product, regardless of which part of the world we're moving out from.

Who inspires you?

My team. They're exceptional individuals. We have some really strong leaders on the team, and watching them day in, day out – producing products, connecting people and solving problems for our business – makes me want to do my role even better. It makes me want to support them, and showcase them to the world as individuals who do what it takes to support our business and our customers. 

Best piece of advice ever received?

To embrace failure, and not dwell on it. As humans, we sometimes fail. We attempt to do something and we fail. You have to rise above failure. Take calculated risks, but don't be afraid to fail. Learn from it, but don't obsess about it.

Read the full story HERE.

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