818 search results
Top 10: companies fostering diversity in the supply chain
With ESG a top priority in the supply chain, we investigate the top 10 companies committed to implementing DEI initiatives in recruitment and partnerships

Supplier Diversity
Top 10: Supplier Diversity Leaders
Supply Chain Digital takes a look at the top 10 companies which are dedicated to promoting supplier diversity throughout their vast supply chains

Supply Chain Risk Management
Supplier diversity champions lauded in supplier.io report
SaaS-based supplier diversity specialist Supplier.io recognises supply diversity leaders, who together support 1.3mn jobs and $104bn in wages globally

Digital Supply Chain
What is Supplier Diversity? & Why you need it: CIPS & GEP
CIPS Magazine, Supply Management Insider in partnership with GEP looks at the importance of Supplier diversity: What it is and why you need it

Exclusive video: P&SC LIVE - The Supplier Diversity Forum
Speaking at Procurement & Supply Chain LIVE 2023, Jim Townsend and Jean Chawapiwa discuss supplier diversity strategies and challenges