1804 search results
Digital Supply Chain
Walmart announces 20 MMT of supplier emission reductions through Project Gigaton
Walmart’s suppliers have reported reducing more than 20mn metric tons (MMT) of greenhouse gas emissions in the global value chain, as part of the comp...

Digital Supply Chain
Maersk Oil and the Culzean HPHT gas project
Maersk Oil CEO announced that the capital costs of its marquee Culzean HPHT gas project have been reduced byUSD 500mas a result of higher drilling effic...

Digital Supply Chain
Mail Manager's on-demand webinar: Unify your information
Mail Manager's on-demand webinar will teach you how to unify your information and use emails to eliminate project delays and rework

Digital Supply Chain
eMar Project to make European maritime more competitive
The eMAR Project is a three year EU funded research project, which comes to an end in a year (December 2014), to improve the efficiency and increase th...

Company Report
Red Sea Global Delivering on Saudi Vision 2030
Saudi Developer Red Sea Global on the Supply Chain Challenges of Delivering Red Sea Tourism ‘giga’ Projects