75 search results
Supplier Collaboration Key to Johnson & Johnson Climate Push
A collaborative approach has been taken by pharmaceutical giant Johnson & Johnson as it looks to tackle the environmental challenges of today

Supply Chain Risk Management
US Invests $5bn in R&D to build homegrown AI chips supply
AI chip supply problems see US invest over US$5bn in semiconductor-related R&D as it seeks to keep pace with the rising demand for AI-capable chips

Supply Chain Risk Management
Chips Trade War 'Will See Surge in E-Recycling' - Deloitte
Deloitte Report Predicts China-US Chips Trade War Will See a Shortage of Metals Used in Chip Making, and Lead to a Rise in Electronics Recycling

Digital twin tech 'vital for US supply chain efforts' - EY
EY MD and supply chain expert John Polowczyk says digital-twin tech will be critical to success of US government's Supply Chain Resilience Center

Supply Chain Risk Management
Biden unveils Supply Chain Resilience Center
Biden administration reveals ambitious new public-private partnership body to mitigate risk in US supply chain, but Moodys warns solution 'will take time'