980 search results
Supply Chain Risk Management
Latest China Covid outbreak poses supply chain threat
Supply chains managers eye latest China Covid lockdowns with dread as huge tracts of country are shut down, threatening manufacturing and container ports

Supply Chain Risk Management
China Foxconn iPhone factory an 'albatross' for Apple
Multinationals with China manufacturing bases are rocked by latest Covid outbreak, with pandemic & worker issues costing Apple $1bn a week in iPhone sales

Supply Chain Risk Management
Airbus Expanding Local Supply Chain in China
Airbus is building a “vertical integration supply chain” in China, according to reports, strengthening foothold in fastest growing aviation market

Supply Chain Risk Management
China clamps down on plastic recycling imports
China used to be the first port of call when it comes to waste plastic imports. For years, the country had shown an insatiable appetite for imports of...

Digital Supply Chain
How China is causing worldwide inflation
The days of China being a cheap manufacturer and shipper of goods may be coming to an end. With workers wages predicted to increase 80 percent over the...