Procurement & Supply Chain Live: Kuda Kadungure

Public procurement expert Kuda Kadungure holds two decades of experience in the construction industry, has led projects within the London 2012 Olympics and Crossrail. Kadungure holds multiple degrees in procurement - including an LLM in Public Procurement Law and Policy and an MSc in Procurement, Supply Chain and Logistics.
It’s no surprise that he ended up working for the UK Parliament in December 2020, with interferences already causing supply chain disruptions and much more to come, but Kadungure has a plan.
The Brexit procurement transition
“We have left the EU”, said Kadungure, without hinting whether he was thrilled or devastated with the 2016 EU referendum results. “We have to show that products meet essential health and safety and environmental protection legislation.”
Such legislation must be finished by the end of 2021 - although there have been calls for an extension.
The heavy goods vehicle driver demand impact
Brexit coupled with the pandemic have caused great supply chain disruption.
According to The Road Haulage Association, up to 20,000 foreign HGV drivers returned to their home country following Brexit. In addition, many British drivers have left the job, owing to poor working hours and lack of sanitation. Due to the pandemic, thousands of HGV driving tests have been postponed.
This has caused a supply chain shortage across the UK - from petrol to milkshakes.
But Kadungure has a solution:
- Project pipelines must be reviewed, with critical ones taking precedence
- Immigration rules must be loosened
- Extend the aforementioned transition period to December 2022
- Trade reforms to decrease cost
- Maritime supply chain collaboration