IATA endorses Carbon Neutral Growth Strategy resolution

By Freddie Pierce
IATA members have endorsed a resolution on the Implementation of the Aviation Carbon-Neutral Growth Strategy, which provides governments with an set of...

IATA members have endorsed a resolution on the Implementation of the Aviation Carbon-Neutral Growth Strategy, which provides governments with an set of principles on how governments could establish and implement a single market-based measure (MBM) as part of an effort to achieve Carbon Neutral Growth by 2020.

During the 69th Annual General Meeting, held in Cape Town, Aviation companies became the first industry to suggest a global approach to the application of a single MBM to manage its climate change impact, and the first to agree global targets and a global strategy to achieve them.

These targets are: improving fuel efficiency by 1.5% annually to 2020, capping net emissions with CNG2020, and cutting emissions in half by 2050 compared to 2005.

An MBM is one of the four pillars of the aviation industry’s united strategy on climate change. Improvements in technology, operations and infrastructure will deliver the long-term solution for aviation’s sustainability.

“Today’s agreement focuses on a single global MBM as part of a basket of measures. A single MBM will be critical in the short-term as a gap-filler until technology, operations and infrastructure solutions mature. So we cannot take our eye off the ball on developing sustainable low-carbon alternative fuels, achieving the Single European Sky or the host of other programs that will improve aviation’s environmental performance,” said Tony Tyler, IATA’s Director General and CEO.

The principles agreed apply to emissions growth post-2020. “Airlines are delivering results against their climate change commitments. For example, we are on track to achieve our 1.5% average annual fuel efficiency target. We need governments to be serious partners as well. Developing an MBM must not become an excuse for revenue generation by cash-strapped governments, or for avoiding incentivizing investments in new technologies and sustainable low-carbon alternative fuels,” said Tyler.

A statement by IATA claimed the environment will be at the top of the agenda for the 38th ICAO Assembly in September: ‘The aviation industry urgently needs governments to agree, through ICAO, a global approach to managing aviation’s carbon emissions, including a single global MBM. IATA member airlines agreed that a single mandatory carbon offsetting scheme would be the simplest and most effective option for an MBM.’


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