Exclusive Video: Rob Collie (Sky) - P&SC LIVE 2023

Speaking at Procurement & Supply Chain LIVE 2023, Rob Collie (Sky) discusses the company’s strategy to create a level playing field for suppliers

As the world’s fastest-growing procurement and supply chain event, Procurement & Supply Chain LIVE 2023 was a disruptive learning and networking event that showcased some of the industry’s top speakers across innovation, thought leadership and strategy. 

Rob Collie, Group Director of Procurement at Sky

Inclusive Procurement Journey: Sky’s Path to Supplier Diversity Excellence

Centring his keynote on Sky’s journey towards inclusive procurement, Rob Collie, Director of Procurement at Sky begins by introducing the company and its core principles, as well as emphasising the importance of creating a level playing field for all suppliers. 

"If you plant the seed of inclusion, you'll bear the fruit of diversity,” Stated Colle.

Highlight the value of supplier diversity, Collie details the steps taken by Sky, including:

  • Tracking diverse supplier spend
  • Offering a supplier portal for registration and engagement
  • Intervening to include diverse suppliers in specific areas
  • Ensuring supplier compliance with diversity and inclusion policies
  • Supporting entrepreneurship through a charity partner called the Black Equity Organisation

"It's about that inclusion, making sure that there are no barriers that we're aware of that can stop everyone participating in the economic activity of Sky,” commented Collie. 

He added: "If you can create a level playing field, those great new businesses and businesses you might not have worked with before will come through and you'll end up with a better supplier ecosystem."

Lessons learned

Towards the end of his keynote, Collie outlines some of the lessons learned at Sky when it comes to its inclusive procurement journey. He emphasises the importance of dedicated resources, working with advocacy groups, and being GDPR-compliant when collecting data on supplier diversity. 

To watch any of our other speakers from Procurement & Supply Chain LIVE 2023, click here.

Don’t forget to register for our future events including Manufacturing LIVE 2023Procurement & Supply Chain LIVE Dubai 2024 & Procurement & Supply Chain LIVE London 2024.

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Other magazines that may be of interest: Procurement MagazineManufacturing Digital


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