Casual Friday: Top Warehouse Moment

By Freddie Pierce
Quote: Michael Scott: “Well get somebody to clean that up.” Darryl: “WERE the ones that have to clean that up!” Warehouse work...

Quote: Michael Scott: “We’ll get somebody to clean that up.”
Darryl: “WE’RE the ones that have to clean that up!”
Warehouse worker: “DAMNIT, Michael!”
Michael Scott: “We have to have this thing serviced.”

Synopsis: Bumbling Dunder Mifflin Regional Manager Michael Scott (played by Steve Carell) is unleashed on the warehouse, where he attempts to offer his workers some trendy warehouse solutions. From operating a forklift to showing his workers the “correct” use of packing beads, the average worker gets a pretty good idea of what not to do when in a warehouse.

Commentary: You can’t ever turn an idiot loose when there’s heavy machinery involved, and that’s exactly what happens here. Michael Scott operates a forklift at a fifth-grade level, and his managerial skills are on a similar plane.

 As Michael Scott leaves the decimated warehouse, he thanks his warehouse workers for being good hosts. As warehouse manager Darryl yells back at him, “This ain’t over!” What did end was the warehouse’s streak of 936 consecutive days without a “lost time accident.”

The Lesson: It’s usually best to leave warehouse operations to the professionals, and when it comes to hiring a branch manager, don’t hire an idiot. Unless you’re writing a sitcom, that is.


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