Cat5 Resources Takes Proactive Stance on Disaster Resilience
Cat5 Resources CEO Cindy Perez on how the company keeps critical infrastructure operational before, during, and after commercial power outages…
Supply Chain Movers
Supply Chain Magazine Highlights some Newly Appointed and Promoted Executives Shaping Sourcing Technology and Strategy…
Using RPA at Scale True Challenge of Automation Tech
Robotic Processes Automation is Revolutionising Parts of Supply Chain, but The Key is Being Able to Scale Solutions, says Rob Enslin, CEO of UiPath…
Changing World of ESG Exposing Businesses to New Risks
Ian Spaulding, CEO Professional Services Firm LRQA, says the Changing ESG Landscape is Exposing Gaps in the way Organisations Address Risk…
Small Steps Key to Continual Improvement in Logistics
In a World Riven with Uncertainty and Disruption, Logistics Providers can Never Stand Still when it Comes to Helping Customers Thrive Amid the Chaos.…
Ricoh & P&O on the Challenges of Global Logistics
John Freyne of P&O Ferrymasters and Ricoh’s Martijn Spee Share Insights on meeting the challenges posed by global logistics operations…
Lifetime of Achievement: David Bozeman
New CH Robinson CEO David Bozeman Faces a Stern Challenge, as the Company Seeks an Uplift Following a Spell of Falling Profits and Lay-offs…
IBM: Supply Chain Data is Sustainability 'Blockage'
IBM study highlights sustainability disconnect between intention and impact, with 76% of execs agreeing it's crucial but just 30% making much progress…